Friday the 13th is known as the most unluckiest day of the year, so the science invented the word for the fear felt by so many people and it is called triskaidekaphobia.
Beliefs in bad things happening on this day comes form the Middle East, originating from Jesus Christ stories" Last Supper" and "Crucifixion",yet there is no evidence something bad was related to this day before 19th century.
Connection to first superstition was from Thomas's Lawson popular novel Friday, the Thirteenth, in which some broker takes an advantage of the superstition to create Wall Street panic on Friday the 13th.
From this all has started and there are major bad things happened especially on this day:
In 1976, New Yorker Daz Baxter was apparently so afraid of Friday the 13th he decided the safest place to stay was his bed. However, Mr Baxter was killed when the floor of his apartment block collapsed that day.
In 2009, the £13.5 million SAW ride at Thorpe Park had its opening premiere, only to be shut down due to a computer programming fault. Spooky.
In 2010, lightning struck a 13-year-old Suffolk boy on Friday 13th at 13:13. Definitely unlucky for him.
During the early 1990s retired bus conductor Bob Renphrey also vowed to stay in bed on the superstitious day after some seriously bad luck. The Welshman has crashed fours cars, fallen into a river and been made redundant on previous Friday the 13ths.
Buckingham Palace was hit by five German bombs on Friday September 13 1940 with both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth coming close to being killed. One member of the royal staff died and the palace chapel was destroyed
A Chilean Air force plane ‘disappeared’ in the Andes on Friday 13 October 1972, with 16 survivors turning up two months later. They had been forced to eat dead passengers in order to survive
The Costa Concordia cruise ship ran aground on Friday 13 in January 2012 off the western coast of Italy killing 30 people.
And what about good things, oh yes, there are great good things like this:
The Hollywood sign – which originally read HOLLYWOODLAND – was unveiled on Friday 13 July, 1923. It was built to advertise a housing development, but has since become one of the world's biggest tourist attractions.
Lets face the fact that what one believes should not be believed by another, so enjoy your day and Happy Friday the 13th.